Future of online school for kids

Future Online Coding School for Kids

The world is changing really fast, especially how we consume the information around us and make practical use of it. Artificial Intelligence will be more and more a tool that we will all have access to and we will start using it on demand like driving a car. It will be a great tool that enhances our productivity and reduces our pain in mundane tasks. It will be a tool that will more or less bring all humans at the same level of access for productivity and democratize information processing and decision-making ability.

With this new tool at our disposal, even learning for children will change drastically. Children will have a lot of dynamically generated and changing content at their fingertips. This allows them to learn in a customized way and in an effective way that works best for each child. Coding for kids will have a wide range of courses whose navigation is completely driven by AI, each individual child with their own learning path and effective ways of teaching the child based on past learning data. These courses will help children to gain the right fundamentals across the horizon of the subject. Currently, the way teaching and learning happens is with a “one size fits all” approach. A teacher delivers the concepts in what he or she believes is the best way to learn, and students are expected to internalize that “one size fits all” delivery. But, our learnings in neuroscience shows that all our brains are wired differently. For example, in some brains the dopamine levels are low and they get dried faster and hence these students cannot give attention for long periods and they need to frequently use alternate means (what they like to do) to improve the dopamine in their brain. Some students are strong visual learners and find it difficult to learn subjects in theory and relate it to the real world. So, as we move forward into the next leap of humanity in the computing world of AI, these gaps will be resolved. AI and ML will help with customized learning for each student. AI will understand that a student might be low on dopamine and will accordingly adjust its material to constantly motivate him or her, ensuring longer engagements and effective learning.

For example, while learning a certain concept if they’ve a fundamental doubt in another concept, the tool will help them to move around and fill that learning gap first, and then resume the learning of the current concept. Different children will be able to understand the same concept effectively in different ways. Some children will be able to connect the dots fast even when they’re taught theoretically, some children will be able to connect the dots permanently only when they do something practically or visually, and some children will need different iterations of connections to understand the big picture holistically. The future schools will deliver this effectively across the curriculum. The best coding institutes for kids are providing these effective options for kids as small steps into the future course of learning. Students at coding schools such as UnicMinds learn from individual tutors and from customized AI assisted tutoring softwares that will help them learn in the most effective way possible. 

Of all, one of the best benefits of AI is to assist children with difficulties such as dyslexia, ADHD, vision issues, and motor issues. Obviously, it has its side effects too. One of the potential effects of AI in the education field is the likelihood of the teachers being replaced with top quality AI based tutoring bots. These bots can monitor the individual pace, progress, learning levels, idiosyncrasies, and adapt effectively. However, teachers are more than just information, they provide an emotional learning atmosphere for children. AI cannot bridge that anytime soon, and hence the immediate future is more likely to be AI-assisted learning as an accessible option with teachers being the primary option for delivery.

In all possibility, the future of learning is going to change in a big way, helping each individual to become the best version that he or she can be. Neil deGrass Tyson recently outlined a number of predictions on The Joe Rogan Show for the near future world. He said (not the exact verbatim) – Neuroscience and our understanding of the human mind will become so advanced that mental illness will be cured, leaving psychologists and psychiatrists without jobs. He said these advances will not only affect the healthcare field but all fields including self-driving cars, space industry, manufacturing, daily jobs, education, medicine adjusting to your own DNA, and more. 

Artificial intelligence offers a cutting-edge approach to enrich student engagement through interactive learning methods beyond traditional teaching styles and methods. AI can dynamically alter course content, integrate virtual reality and augmented reality, and help children comprehend and remember better. At the same time, because integration of AI can have some negative effects, the education industry should integrate AI responsibly ensuring better effectiveness for learners and all stakeholders.

Hope this is useful, thank you.

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